The Compulsive Squire

Where Outstanding Humour Meets Desperate Boredom

Category Archives: Live Action

One Day in the Coldest Village on Earth

A holiday in Yakutia is snow joke.

Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier

From comedic theatre group, Team Starkid, comes a hilarious re-imagining of the story of Aladdin, from the perspective of the royal Vizier, Jafar. Because, when you think about it, it really is all his fault.

Chalk Warfare 4.0

The boys behind Chalk Warfare are back with their CGI cocktail of childish imagination, and over indulgent warehouse acting.
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Julian Bass’s Favourite Heroes

A 20 year old crafted a sleek self-transformation video that caught the attention of Disney CEO, Bob Iger. In unrelated news, I made my finger go pew-pew.

Super Easy, Barely An Inconvenience

A pitch meeting like no other. Ryan George plays a movie creative AND film executive, really exploring his range of being ultra smiley on two different sides of the screen. Watch this series of extraordinarily funny breakdowns of the biggest films of past and present. They are tight.